Example Lesson Plan for Japanese

Note that altough I am not a fluent speaker of Japanese at this point in time, I do have enough familiarity with the language to conduct a lesson plan. One of my objectives is to become fluent in the language. Please feel free to ask any questions or comments about this plan or any other of my lessons/tasks.

Lesson Plan
Beginning Japanese – Level 1

-          This is the second day of delving into the topic of the second lesson: Shopping (Kaimono)

Warm-Up/Review: 5 min

To review what we covered last class, I will play around with deixis by asking them to place items like pencils, bags, watches, etc. on top of their desks. By using “words that point”, like kore (equivalent of pro-form “this”) and kono  ___ (this + noun) as well as interrogative pronouns, to describe the location of these items relative to themselves and to each other.

Anecdote/Discussion: 5 min

I will share an experience I had in Japan that involved miscommunication in shopping for food and asking for prices. Then I will ask students what they may have done or said differently, in a similar scenario, to improve communication.

Today’s Lesson: 25 min

      Ø  Introduce new vocabulary (have students say it aloud with me)
Ø  Introduce new mechanisms of grammar including: Dare no (noun) = “Whose”, Mo (noun) = “Item A is this, and item B is this, too”, Ja arimasen = “negation of a statement”, (…o) kudasai “Please give me X” versus (…o) onegaishimasu versus (…o) douzo.
Ø  At least 3 examples for each (written on the board). Consider using some time, between each mechanism of grammar, for questions/discussion.

Visual/Aural Reinforcement: 5 min

Ø  Plan A: Have Masaya, native Japanese Speaker, come into class and act out shopping scenario.
Ø  Plan B: Show video on YouTube of Japanese people in the marketplace
Ø  Plan C: Have two students read dialogue from book.

·    No matter what plan is chosen, leave a couple of minutes for discussion on body language, tone and any noticeable difference between real-time dialogue and what the books states about dialogue.

      * The purpose of this activity is for students to start building their comprehension of the language.

Class activity: 10-15 min (depending how time is going)

Now it’s time for students to apply what they have stated/learned from the discussions and break up into pairs. The students have about 3 minutes to review the terminology and grammar necessary for a possible scenario for shopping; I will provide them with a makeshift marketplace utilizing pictures from store brochures (as well as prices of each item). They will come up individually and will not be allowed to use their L1. Everyone will not have a chance to participate, but I will be providing feedback and recasts to students when appropriate.

* The purpose of this activity is for students to produce the language and demonstrate how  much they comprehend.

Wrap-Up: 5 min

Ask the students what they have learned today, what their homework is for next class (provided on syllabus) and any questions they may have about today’s class.